Bob's Books: Building Blocks
Since this book is targeting for beginner readers, its visually and verbally minimal and lacks real plot. Thats not the point.
What Bob's Books does effectively is teach phonetics using words that correspond with images and emotions that children will easily recognize. The illustration is sweet and the authors outline at the beginning of each book which sounds and letters are being targeted. These also have pictures to go along with the words to further assist readers. The illustrator also very specifically colors certain objects so it is clear which objects are being spelled out for readers. So, though I do not find these books particularly enthralling as an adult, the authors clearly make it so that readers can find ways to make sense of words and sounds and begin to grow their reading skills in a way that still has some enjoyment and plot. These books are a stepping stone for proper literature, but they are effective in this role.
Title: Bob's Books Set 1
Author: Bobby Lynn Maslan
Illustrator: John R. Maslan
Publisher: Scholastic
Publication Date: 2013
ISBN: Unknown
Elly's Rating: 4/5 Stars
Yes, I like the way you describe the point of Bob books to give children practice with reading words controlled by phonics concepts. If a teacher has taught the _og word family, then the point of a good decodable book is not to have an engaging plot but to give students practice reading words like frog, bog, log, and dog. The Bob books are also pretty affordable for parents and teachers since they are mass produced with small paper and held together by a staple.