Drama: A Middle School Tale

Image result for Drama (graphic novel)
Drama focuses on the tech crew and actors of a middle school theater production and how they navigate not just the stress of putting on a show, but the pressure of relationships in middle school. While I could not personally relate to the middle school experience of Callie (my mother would never have let me dye my hair in middle school), the protagonist of this delightful little graphic novel, I found her and her story very endearing. As an adult I enjoyed the story but I could see how a middle school student might enjoy it more. The graphic novel also features several LGBT characters and a diverse group of students which was super refreshing, and represented these groups in a positive manner. I also loved how they showed students taking on leadership roles and being apart of supportive communities which I think could have a positive impact on young readers. Overall, I would highly recommend this book for children age 10 to 13. 

Title: Drama
Author: Raina Telgemeir
Publisher: Scholastic
Publication Date: 2012
IBSN: 978-0-545-77996-8
Elly's Rating: 4/5 Stars


  1. Raina Tegemeir has made a name for herself in the graphic novel format on topics that are great for the preteen/teen audience. A few other students reviewed some of her other books, including Ghost and Smile and Sisters. I like how her distinct artistic style makes her work easily recognizable. Even if the characters in the books change, you know that you are reading one of her books. It is easy to imagine that the characters live in the same universe.


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