Frog and Toad Together: Dragons and Giants
The Frog and Toad books have endured the years for a reason: they are great and truly adorable books for beginning readers. I was obsessed with frogs as a kid so I loved these books.
Lobel controls his vocabulary and uses repetition for his younger audience, but his short stories still retain a plot and lessons in things such as bravery in this particular tale. Frog and Toad see their book characters as brave and go on an adventure only to learn that sometimes running for your life is the brave thing to do. The book as a whole also highlights the importance of relationships as Frog and Toad get into several adventures together and help each other out. His illustration style is very muted and calm but features strong expressions for readers. Frog and Toad is also incredibly special in that it is one of the early series that features such a strong same-sex "companionship". Overall, this book is perfect for young readers in that it is simple enough but has really strong morals weaved throughout.
Title: Frog and Toad Together: Dragons and Giants
Author/Illustrator: Arnold Lobel
Publisher: Harper Collins
Publication Date: 1971
IBSN: 0-707-6503-0
Elly's Rating: 5/5 Stars
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